Use "denarius|denarii" in a sentence

1. It was first named nummus Aureus (“gold money”), or denarius Aureus, and was equal to 25 silver denarii; a denarius equaled 10 bronze asses

2. This Countermark appears mostly on late Republican and Imperatorial denarii, although denarii of Augustus and denarii of the Flavians struck at Ephesus are also recorded

3. “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius.”

4. But he said: “Show me a denarius [a Roman coin].

5. Next the apostle John says: “And I heard a voice . . . say: ‘A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius.’”

6. Denarius coin depicting the “Sons of Zeus,” 114-113 B.C.E.

7. Assassination of Julius Caesar; Denarius portraying Brutus , minted in 43–42 BC

8. It was worth 300 denarii, the equivalent of about a year’s wages.

9. What is the “denarius” mentioned in Jesus’ parable recorded at Matthew 20:1-16?

10. Nothing is known of Isiusiisiuisii apart from numismatic evidence, his denarii are similar to Eastern European imitations of Roman coins, this denarius suggests he was in at least his 5th year or rule or 5th Councilship as this number shows up on both the obverse + both sides of the reverse.

11. But in Jesus’ day a denarius, according to Clarke’s Commentary, was an average day’s wages.

12. One slave is brought to him who owes the enormous debt of 60,000,000 denarii (about $50,000,000).

13. Two hundred denarii a piece, and you may lay hidden here until sun crests and curfew is lifted.

14. By June, he had gathered an army of 3,000 loyal veterans, paying each a salary of 500 denarii.

15. They agreed to the common daily wage of the time, one denarius for a 12-hour workday.

16. But in reply to their sly question, Jesus had responded: “Show me a denarius [a Roman coin].

17. Ten thousand silver talents, the larger debt, equaled 60 million denarii, or wages that would require thousands of lifetimes to accumulate.

18. Windows client for Denarius cryptocurrency found compromised, but clues suggest the same hackers also Backdoored many more other

19. The best Byrri were made by the Nervii around Bavai (near Charleroi in modern Belgium), and Cost 10,000 denarii

20. At 3,000 denarii, this was equivalent to ten years' gross salary for a common legionary after the pay increase of 84 AD.

21. The morale of the troops was boosted by the promise of a further 5,000 denarii for each soldier and 25,000 for each centurion.

22. We were not his soldiers then, but our country's") and with a gift of 1,500 denarii for each legionary and 7,500 for each centurion.

23. In John’s day, a quart of wheat was the daily ration for a soldier, and a denarius was the money paid for a day’s work.

24. This was the preferable representation of Diana at Aricia, which can be seen in a denarius minted in 43 BCE by an Arician moneyer, P

25. He voiced his indignation by arguing: “Why was it this perfumed oil was not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor people?”

26. According to Alfred Edersheim, an authority on Jewish history, “the bankers were allowed to charge a silver meah, or about one-fourth of a denar [or denarius, a laborer’s wage for a day’s work] on every half-shekel.”

27. ‘The gum exudate is collected from incisions or spontaneous cracks in the bark of the Bdellium tree.’ ‘Egyptian women carried little pouches filled with pieces of the Bdellium for the scent.’ ‘The price of Bdellium when quite pure is three denarii per pound.’ ‘Manna was said to be the color of Bdellium.’

28. Aurei from Boscoreale hoard (1,084) (from CANTILENA 2007) Tiberius’ coins contribute to Indian hoards not only with the highest number of denarii, but also with the highest number of Aurei, part of which must have been seized by the trading élites after Gaius rapidly squandered Tiberius’ enormous cash reserve of 2.7 (or 2.4 or 3.3) billion